Client case Studies.

Client Testimonials.

Community Feedback.

Check out these case studies, testimonials, and unsolicited feedback from community members and connections inspired by my work, empowerment, education, events, content.

What They Say About

michelle b griffin, The Brand Therapist℠


Learn how these clients were transformed after clarifying their brand, positioning their expertise, and amplifying their message with my personal branding and LinkedIn coaching and consulting.


Feedback from clients who found success clarifying their brand, positioning their expertise, and amplifying their message with my personal branding and LinkedIn coaching and consulting.


As a former conference executive marketing director for two decades, I know what works (and what doesn't) to keep an audience engaged, motivated and inspired to take action. Check out this page for organizer and attendee feedback.


I call this my "Wall of Love" page of unsolicited feedback from my community members and connections inspired by my work, empowerment, education, events, content with my personal branding and LinkedIn coaching and consulting.

 'Own Your Lane' For More Impact and Profit...

With a clear brand, confident message, and increased visibility — so you're never unsure, unclear, or unnoticed again.
